Ad Infinitum: The Ever-Increasing Role of AI In Advertising

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Much has been written (especially by me) about what AI can do for various publishing departments. For the advertising side, new estimates are now saying that, in five year’s time, more than 90% of all ad spending for digital and analog media buys will be AI-enabled.

In its “This Year Next Year: 2024 Global Midyear Forecast,” GroupM is predicting a 94.1% share by 2029, a full three years earlier than it had previously predicted hitting the 90% benchmark for the “growing role of artificial intelligence (AI) and the potential for machine-generated content in advertising.”


(Source: GroupM)

GroupM currently has that number at 69.5%, which MediaPost’s Joe Mandese cleverly categorized in an article entitled “Two-Thirds of My Advertising is AI-Enabled,” adding, “If you thought the punchline was going to be a Wanamaker paraphrase, ‘the trouble is I don’t know which two-thirds,’ you might be right.”

Mandese highlights how GroupM’s estimates aren’t simply a result of the growth of generative AI, but “also has its roots in the AI-enabled tech that was baked into search, programmatic media-buying, as well as other forms of machine learning, including natural language processing, optimization algorithms, recommendation algorithms, etc.”

That aspect of the recipe makes GroupM’s other numbers, including a 7.8% growth of global advertising revenue to $989.8 billion this year — and a 6.8% growth next year to break the one-trillion-dollar mark — all the more interesting.


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