AI Obstacles: The Hurdles To Overcome For Implementing and Maximizing AI’s Potential

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For many businesses, thinking about AI’s potential alone just isn’t enough.

Even for those utilizing our Media Mate suite of AI tools, the immediate impact and benefits of, say, maximizing their marketing productivity and streamlining their workflow operations can be so broadly felt that they aren’t instantly quantifiable.

In fact, for almost half of those recently surveyed by Gartner, estimating or demonstrating its value is the primary obstacle in adopting the technology.

(Source: Gartner)

“Business value continues to be a challenge for organizations when it comes to AI,” says Leinar Ramos, Senior Director Analyst at Gartner. “As organizations scale AI, they need to consider the total cost of ownership of their projects, as well as the wide spectrum of benefits beyond productivity improvement.” 

Other barriers revolved around the lack of something, from lack of talent and skills (42%) and lack of confidence (40%) to lack of data, business alignment, and trust in AI in general (each with 39%). According to Gartner’s survey, 29% are using generative AI, making it the most frequently deployed AI solution and “a catalyst for the expansion of AI in the enterprise,” according to Ramos.

“AI-mature organizations invest in foundational capabilities that will remain relevant regardless of what happens tomorrow in the world of AI,” says Ramos, “and that allows them to scale their AI deployments efficiently and safely.”



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