Attention Metrics Create Efficiencies For Ad Spend and Environment (Report)

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Teads recently released their latest research on attention metrics and found that 83% of UK marketers said it’s an important factor in reducing the environmental impact of digital advertising.

The company’s approach incorporates creative, quality of media, relevancy, and ad experience as the key drivers of attention.

“By optimizing for attention,” their release statement says, “brands can be more efficient with their ad spend, with the potential to deliver better outcomes whilst simultaneously being more carbon efficient.”

Last year, MediaPost reported on an event that Heineken worked on with Teads in which its APM was five times higher and its view rate double that of the benchmark on digital ads.

Jeremy Arditi, co-chief executive officer at Teads, tells MediaPost that “as cookies continue to be deprecated, attention seems to be emerging as currency to capitalize on a loss of data.”




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