Brand Abandonment: Why Consumers Are Complaining Less But Ghosting More

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Last week I wrote about issue resolution and the communication channels that clients prefer using to solve their problems.

What I didn’t mention was the frightening option that more and more customers are resorting to — ghosting!

Coveo Solutions has released the results from its Customer Service Relevance Report 2023 and found that, for the third consecutive year, the ghosting trend has risen.

In 2023, 56% of the 4,000 consumers surveyed said they rarely or never complain about a negative customer service experience, which, as the Coveo report says, “when you think about it, isn’t that surprising.”

“All they have to do to rectify the situation is open a browser tab and search to find your top-ranking competitor,” the report says.

Last year, it took survey respondents three negative experiences to abandon a brand; in 2023, that number is down to two. From a generational standpoint, 59% of Gen Z and 49% of Millennial respondents would allow for a third chance, while Gen X (40%) and Baby Boomers (32%) “aren’t quite so generous.”

“It’s notable that the digitally native generation has more patience for a poor online experience,” the report says, “but that doesn’t mean that Gen Z will offer brands endless chances when it comes to digital self-service.”

(Source: Coveo)

The biggest issues respondents had were finding it too hard to talk to an actual person (53%), receiving conflicting info from various reps (46%), and not being able to find info on their own (43%).

“To prevent abandonment, you must focus on providing more consistent information and experiences, increasing findability through intelligent/cognitive search, and, in the case of B2B high-tech, providing helpful guidance when the customer begins the case submission process,” the report says.




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