Early To Rise: Early AI Adopters Seeing Greater Impacts (New Report)

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Early AI-adopting birds are not only getting their worms, but reaping benefits for far down the line as well.

Unlocking The Impact & Potential of AI,” a new report from webAI, has found that those who’ve been using AI for at least three years (the “early adopters”) are more likely to see a greater impact from their more advanced AI applications, including 86% who see a positive influence on factors like reducing costs (compared to only 77% of “recent adopters”).

“The average duration respondents have been using AI is three and a half years, a reminder of both how young this technology is and also how far we’ve come in such a short period of time,” the report says. “The amount of time a company has been using AI plays a key role in shaping how they benefit from the technology.”

The report found that almost 80% of those who’ve recently adopted AI are focused on predictive analytics, something only three in five early adopters are still focused on. For early adopters, they are more focused than recent adopters on language processing, computer vision, and most dramatically robotics (45% to 34%).

(Source: webAI)

“With greater experience, deeper integration, and longer term adoption comes greater utilization and satisfaction,” the report says. “Success is not only about length of adoption, but also adoption rates. The more people you have using AI, the more likely you are to exceed expectations and achieve cost savings.”

With adoption rates of more than 50% internally, 70% of businesses were exceeding expectations from their AI investments, opposed to only a quarter (26%) of those with less than 25% adoption rate exceeding expectations. The report does point out the correlation of longer AI use with being “more likely to have encountered trials and tribulations along the way” as well, but couldn’t pinpoint whether those issues were because of “more opportunities to run into trouble” or “associated complexities.”

“The longer you’ve been using AI, the more likely you are to report successes, positive outcomes, and exceeded expectations,” the report says.


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