Strategy Support: How Marketers Are Getting The Most Out Of AI

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“If you are not already using AI to enhance your marketing strategy, you are behind the curve.”

Ascend2 gets straight to the point in its “Leveraging AI In Marketing” study, saying 66% of marketers it surveyed use AI to some extent, with 17% not using it nor planning on implementing it.

“As marketers implement AI in their marketing strategies, hesitations arise due to a lack of knowledge surrounding these new technologies,” the study says. “Nearly half (45%) of marketers list a lack of expertise as a top challenge to implementing AI. One-third of those surveyed say ethical and privacy concerns, budget constraints, data quality, and accessibility are also issues.”

Still, the positive gains are there for most. 76% would rate their AI success as either very successful (26%) or somewhat successful (50%), with 57% seeing increased efficiency, 46% seeing improved targeting, and 40% noting the automation of repetitive tasks.

“86% of marketing professionals surveyed agree that using AI can significantly impact their ability to target and personalize marketing content for individual customers,” the study says. “Personalized content enables marketers to reach and connect with their target audiences to deliver improved customer experiences, ultimately impacting their bottom line.”

(Source: Ascend2)

Marketers are measuring their successes in various ways, from ROI (44%) to customer satisfaction (43%) and improved customer engagement (42%). 

“Over three-quarters (77%) of marketers surveyed say they are likely to increase investment in AI for marketing purposes in the next 12 months,” the study says, “with 29% reporting they are very likely to increase investment and another 48% reporting moderate likelihood.”

Many AI tools exist that can help address specific marketing needs; some systems, like Mirabel’s Marketing Manager, offer tools such as an AI landing page generator as part of a larger CRM automation package.

How are you using AI? What would you like AI to be able to help you with eventually? Let us know in the comments below.



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