Cookie Cutters: How The Future Is Still Cookieless Despite Google’s Recent Reversal

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Google’s decision to ultimately keep cookies has only added fuel to the conversational fires about data and the alternatives to those third-party trackers.

EMARKETER’s latest analysis, based primarily on its July survey that only 17% of U.S. consumers accept third-party cookies when given the choice, posits that most internet browsers could become cookieless anyway in the future.


If it comes to pass that only that one in every 5 users accept cookies under Google’s new model, and Microsoft Edge fully deprecates cookies at year’s end, “only about a tenth of U.S. browsers will be trackable via third-party cookies,” according to EMARKETER’s report.

Estimates like this are why analyst Evelyn Mitchell-Wolf said cookies are “going to be the exception rather than the rule,” meaning that all those cookieless, first-party-prioritizing preparations we’ve already undertaken and continue to pursue “will not be wasted.”


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