Inbox Engagement: Why Sponsored Content Means More In A Newsletter

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There’s a reason newsletters have been making headlines recently, in my blogs and beyond.

I’ve written about the continued growth of newsletter production as well as some of the added value that audiences prefer when considering whether to fork over their email addresses. But I’m not shining light that way just because marketing software with AI-powered capabilities is making it easier than ever to create these audience-developing draws.

I’m paying newsletters their due because they consistently work.

A recent study from MAGNA Media Trials confirms that readers not only find them to be their preferred news source, but that built-in trust means 65% of those surveyed are more receptive to the sponsored content within newsletters.

“For business decision makers, newsletters serve a special role in their rituals,” the study says, pointing to the 78% who felt empowered after reading their favorite newsletters. “Newsletters naturally reach focused and curious readers … [and] this curious mindset leads readers to engage beyond the newsletter’s end.”

(Source: MAGNA)

Two-thirds (66%) of decision-makers said they regularly discover new products or services through sponsored content, with 61% saying they’re more engaged in the sponsored content of newsletters than elsewhere.

That increased receptiveness puts invaluable importance not just on email marketing, but on a software system that manages audience development and marketing on a single unified platform.

“Consider newsletters as a strategic platform for advertising to engage receptive audiences, particularly among business decision-makers,” the study recommends. “Understand and cater to the curious mindset of newsletter readers by offering valuable information and tips in sponsored content.”


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