The Search Continues: Knowing Your Audience In the Age of AI

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I want to let you in on an industry secret: this blog helps both of us.

Much like that old hair-club commercial in which the spokesperson spread the word both as the company president as well as a client, we post helpful media and marketing blogs both for your sake and our own.

And you need look no further than the latest research from BrightEdge to see exactly why. Blogs, its analysis shows, are “the most prevalent form of content found in the top 10 search engine rankings, excluding home pages,” appearing 511 times in the Top 3 and more than 1,000 times in the Top 5.

(Source: BrightEdge)

“This high frequency underlines the critical role of blogs in achieving and maintaining high visibility in search engine results,” the report says. “Our analysis shows that blogs naturally possess key features that enhance their SEO performance.”

Those key features, according to the research, include word count (“blogs average 629 words, 50% greater than the average page ranking at 417 words”), text-to-code ratio (“better indexability and faster load times”), SEO attributes, and a lesser likelihood of featuring thin content.

As more and more studies show marketers continuing to incorporate AI into their content creation, it’s becoming clearer that generative AI will only increase the volume of blogs vying for those top search spots. As Jim Yu, BrightEdge founder and executive chairman, says, it’ll be vital to understand the audience you seek. 

“The future is not just AI — it’s AI and human symbiosis,” Yu says. “AI can inform and assist, but human creativity, expertise and skill sets are necessary to add the voice and trust of your brand. Success lies in the fusion of AI and human expertise throughout any content creation process.”



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