More Hours In The Day: Larger Percent Of Time Being Spent With Digital Media

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A recent PQ Media report showed how media consumption grew worldwide (up 0.3% to 56.15 hours per week) last year. And though there was a slight drop in the United States (down 0.4% to 76.69 hours per week), the projections were pointing toward “accelerated growth” and further expansion.

Consider that growth, digital publishers and marketers, when considering the latest numbers from EMARKETER, which found that digital media continues to distance itself from traditional media in terms of average time spent.


“Digital will make up 63.7% of the 12 hours and 37 minutes (12:37) per day US adults spend with total media in 2024,” according to EMARKETER’s forecast, which charted a nearly 50/50 split between digital and traditional media as recently as 2019.

Looking further ahead, EMARKETER says digital will make up nearly 66% of the average time spent with total media in two year’s time. 

“Time spent with mobile will hit 4 hours (4:00) per day among US adults, making it the most popular media access point in 2024,” the report says.

For publishers looking to take further advantage of these digital publishing possibilities, the Digital Media Manager brings ad sales automation and AI-driven marketing tools to an already robust CRM. Considering all the time consumers continue to spend on digital media, getting the most out of a digital media management platform is well-worth your time.


The Magazine Manager is a web-based CRM solution designed to help digital and print publishers manage sales, production, and marketing in a centralized platform.

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