Leap Forward: Harnessing The Gift Of Extra Time With Generative AI

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With today being Leap Day, I can’t help but think about all the possibilities this extra 0.0027% of a year gives us. 

Whether it’s optimizing professional potential now that you’ve cracked the challenge of creating extra time … or it’s embarking on a Carpe Diem–extravaganza that postpones real-life for March … here’s to making the most of your Leap Day!

And while you’re enjoying this gift of extra time, consider the potential optimizations of AI assistance. 

Last year, we shared a McKinsey breakdown of how generative AI could automate almost 30% of all human-hours in the workforce by the end of this decade, adding trillions annually to the global economy and, when used to its best potential, liberating humans so they may better focus on higher priorities. According to one of last summer’s estimates, using generative AI already saves workers an average of five hours per week.

(Source: McKinsey)

Since then, our software has done its part in pushing the technology and this best potential forward, designing generative AI tools to help sales reps craft emails quickly and even an AI Landing Page Generator to help marketers create time-saving templates. 

As the saying goes, you won’t just find time, you must make it. And generative AI can be just the tool to help.

The more we humans think of AI as a tool to help ourselves in the pursuit to save (or create) time, the more we humans can make ourselves indispensable in the work completed. 

So what are you going to do with all of your extra February 29ths in the coming years?


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