Drawing A Blank: Most Americans Can’t Remember Yesterday’s Ads

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We all have a favorite commercial (or, just as likely, a despised commercial we love to hate). And as much as marketers wish we all had complete recall of all the ads they present, minds just don’t work that way … and a new study is shining light on how little we do take in.

Provoke Insights surveyed 1,500 Americans for its Advertising Trends Summer 2023 report, and found that most remember between 0% to 10% of the ads they’re exposed to.

Question: Thinking back to the last 24 hours, what percent of ads do you remember? (Source: Provoke Insights)

Only 22% remembered a quarter or more of ads after 24 hours, something Provoke Insights President Carly Fink attributed to the sheer amount of content everywhere.

“It’s really hard to remember everything that’s out there,” Fink told Marketing Brew, “so as a brand … it’s much harder to stand out.”

Of those who could recall half or more of the ads they’re exposed to, 77% accessed social channels weekly, 75% television, 48% radio, 39% online news, and 26% newspaper.


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