Creation Support: Most Enterprise Marketers To Use AI For Content in 2023 (New Report)

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Having personally poked around on ChatGPT and written about its SEO and marketing potential in a number of Magazine Manager blogs, I definitely see the value that AI-generated text can offer.

And as chatbots and AI technologies continue to proliferate, it’ll be important for all of us — but particularly publishers and marketers — to better understand its potential and its limitations.

MediaPost has recently shared a BrightEdge survey that shows 58% of enterprise marketers planning on using AI for content creation this year. This, despite only 10% actively using it for that purpose, according to their data.

“BrightEdge found that SEO [professionals] are also focusing on what they see as future challenges,” MediaPost writes. “Main concerns and focus around SEO for enterprise companies in 2023 include search engine updates at 41%, changing consumer behavior at 33%, technology advancements at 14%, and competitors at 12%.”

Marketers got the survey-spotlight here, but as learning and implementing continues to happen on the fly, it’ll be important for all of us to keep those rapidly-encroaching future challenges and concerns in the clearest of focus.

Whether your industry is publishing, marketing, or something else in which AI is promising to revolutionize, your challenges, concerns, and curiosities are mine as well.

Be sure to share your thoughts (unwavering or evolving) on ChatGPT, chatbots, and AI-generation with me in the comments here or in any future post of mine. I look forward to your human conversations even more than those chatbot interactions.




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