Personalization Pays: How Marketers Leverage Perks For Better Consumer Data

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While more than half of consumers are frustrated when brands send irrelevant content and offers, 85% love when they get it right.

“Consumers’ favorite brands are getting personalization right,” says Marigold’s latest Consumer Trend Index study. “85% of consumers say their favorite brand treats them like an individual.”

78% say they’re likely to engage with an offer tailored and personalized to their interests, up from 72% last year. The survey also found that, using the ultra-scientific terms of what consumers find “cool” with their personalization, 84% were “cool” with birthday offers and 80% with recommendations based on past purchases.

(Source: Marigold)

Of course, all this leads to the importance of getting that personal first- and zero-party data. In exchange for that information, 91% of consumers would accept discounts and coupons from brands. Other valuable offers include reward points (89%), early or exclusive access to offers (83%), and a chance to win something (81%).


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