In Pods We Trust: Podcasters Top Survey As Most Influential Media Figures

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Who’s more influential than influencers?

Whose voice matters even more than movie stars?

Podcasters, of course!

(That is, at least, according to a new survey of more than 2,000 weekly podcast listeners.)

In a research paper entitled “A New Era of Influence,” MAGNA Media Trials and Vox Media found that 75% of listeners selected podcast hosts when asked which media figures’ influence matters most to them. (Social media influencers and TV/movie celebrities got 15% and 10%, respectively.)

In their press release, MAGNA Global says podcasters have “effectively dethroned the original influencers.” 82% of listeners said that podcasters had a positive impact on their lives, while 80% said podcasters “feel like a friend” when listening.

More than three-quarters said podcasts motivate them to be better versions of themselves, and — attention advertisers! — 88% “engage in activities to support their favorite podcasters outside of the podcast.”

(Source: MAGNA Global)

Continuing its focus on brand opportunities, the research found that 68% of listeners pay more attention to podcast ads than those they come across on TV, social media, or elsewhere, and 77% were introduced to new products or services they wouldn’t have known about otherwise.

“Collaborate with podcasters for their unrivaled influence,” the paper not-so-subtly recommends. “As a trusted authority in people’s lives, they are quickly emerging as the next wave of influencers.”




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