Growth Opportunities: Publishers Focusing On Digital Subscriptions In 2024 (New Report)

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For all the work and focus that publishers put toward their audience-community, sometimes a step back to get a glimpse of what others in their publishing-community are doing is more than just refreshing — it’s essential for survival.

Heading into the new year, the Alliance for Audited Media asked 35 of its audited publishers what they hoped to accomplish in 2024. Almost three-quarters (74%) said that digital subscriptions were going to be an area of focus, with the same percentage saying they were optimistic about growing digital subscriptions. 34% expected advertising to grow revenue, and 29% expected revenue from sponsored content.

“When asked about positive trends [from 2023], 60% said they saw an increase in digital subscriptions and 31% developed new products to offer advertising clients,” AAM says. “The same percentage also more creatively attracted new readers.”

A Sampling of What Publishers Said Were Their 2024 Professional Goals (Photo Source: AAM)

In a sampling of publisher goals, AAM noted that building content in print while increasing digital subscriptions was a priority for some. And because it’s 2024, AAM also asked publishers about AI, but said publishers were “mixed on its implementation.”

“Responses from publishers about whether they have integrated AI tools into their business processes were split evenly between yes, not yet, no and not sure,” AAM says.

Whether your focus is on growing digital subscriptions, streamlining your sales process, or implementing a unified platform that can handle it all, Mirabel Technologies has software products that can help you stay on the cutting-edge of publishing so you can better focus on the daily tasks at hand — for 2024 and beyond.



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