Publishers Planning Ahead: Data Collection In A Cookieless Future

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A new study has more than three-quarters of publishers taking a cookieless future seriously and investing in first-party data solutions.

“According to research from customer data platform BlueConic, conducted in partnership with WBR Insights, which surveyed 100 senior revenue leaders from across the media industry, 78% of publishers are prioritizing first-party data to address cookie deprecation,” reports Performance Marketing World, with data-collection technologies like customer data platforms and data warehouses as part of those investments.

Additionally, 66% were investing in alternative ID providers as a cookie replacement, 60% in data clean rooms for second-party audiences, and 51% in Google Privacy Sandbox, according to MediaPost’s breakdown

In all, 57% were very or mostly prepared for the third-party cookie deprecation, 36% were somewhat prepared, 3% weren’t prepared at all, and another 3% didn’t consider it a priority.

The importance of preparedness is something the Magazine Manager blog has written about for years. Part of that preparation is just getting on the same page with others in your organization to ensure all considerations are weighed and communicated, with one recent report finding the discrepancies too large to ignore. 

“C-suite marketing leaders and CEOs have significantly rosier assessments of their preparedness for the deprecation of third-party tracking cookies than their junior employees,” says the Fyllo study, “with 88% of the C-suite and 78% of CEOs expressing that they feel their current targeting solutions are prepared to operate without cookies, compared to 62% of VP/Director level executives.”

When making investments for your data-future, keep that same-page mentality in the forefront and consider a unified all-in-one platform that keeps all of your teams (and all of their data) working together.



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