Split-Second Decisions: How Marketers Can Break Down The Persuasion Process

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0.92 seconds.

That’s the amount of time the brain takes to process visual content like a digital ad and make a purchasing decision, according to new research by Fractal.

Broken down into micro-stages of approaching-or-avoiding, liking, wanting, and then clicking-through, that ultimate purchasing process is the focus of the AI company’s “Final Second Framework,” designed to help marketers improve their digital marketing conversion rates at a time when, as the company says, “click-through-rates that measure its success are abysmally low.”

(Source: Fractal)

As quoted in MediaPost, Fractal Analytics’ Biju Dominic said the framework could help marketers redesign the “four places of persuasion,” which include banner ads, shopping ads, product titles, and product display-page images.




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