The Age(s) of Advertising: Maximizing Engagement With Better Targeting

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If 31% of consumers make purchases from ads they see online — 31% being the average of those who make such purchases at least every few months, according to recent LoopMe research — then Gen X and Baby Boomer consumers in particular are the most receptive to digital ads.

“Over a third (37%) of 45-54 year olds and 40% of 55-64 year olds stated they make purchases from ads they see online at least every few months,” the study says. “The findings indicate that marketers will need to be highly targeted with their spend if they want to capitalize on older shoppers’ online ad engagement.”

More than a quarter (26%) of those 45-64 said they were “happy” to get free online content in exchange for advertising, with 13% preferring to view ads than pay for content. In terms of where consumers were most likely to notice those ads, 17% said embedded within the content itself, 10% said top of page, and 8% said bottom of page. 

“Hectic consumer schedules during the holidays will likely encourage many to click on an ad if it means saving time when researching information about a product or making a purchase,” writes MediaPost’s Laurie Sullivan. “At this time of year, they are more likely to exchange relevant ads and free online content for information about themselves.”

Can your publishing software keep up with the ad sales management specialties as well as the marketing segmentation and automation needs that a modern publisher requires? With our Magazine Manager, integrated with the targeting prowess of Mirabel’s Marketing Manager, you can ensure that your best messages are received by your best audiences.


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