The Benefits of Automation, From Top Targets to Bottom Lines

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87% of advertising professionals believe automation can make their companies more profitable, while 83% said it can make them more productive.

These and other overwhelmingly positive automation stats are from recently released research by Theorem and Hypothesis Group, which surveyed digital-ad decision-makers and media planners to better understand ad automation.

(Source: MediaPost)

“Human errors and make-goods have become a standard practice across the industry due to the nature of the current ad operations workflow,” says Jay Kulkarni, Theorem’s founder and CEO. “We are seeing first-hand that automation has the power to revolutionize the industry and the revenue opportunity for media companies by addressing these systemic challenges. By automating the manual tasks that lead to inefficiencies, human errors and make-goods, media companies recognize revenue faster, which drives their bottom lines.”

And while the research focused on automation’s effect on those business bottom lines, it also looked at the sentiment of those individual respondents, particularly in regards to their jobs. 81% of respondents say automation is a complement, not a replacement, to humans, and 90% were receptive to their roles evolving with automation.

“The research shows an eagerness among ad ops professionals to evolve workflows through automation and play more strategic roles in areas such as media strategy, campaign optimization and performance, and white-glove account management,” says Kulkarni. “Media companies have much to gain from reimagining media operations and driving excellence with technologies like automation.” 

“It starts with the people and ends with greater revenue gain for the business.”


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