What Do Consumers Look For Before Buying An Online Subscription?

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42% of Americans said a lower subscription price would be the biggest draw in paying for an online subscription, according to a recent YouGov survey shared with Press Gazette to “understand what kind of websites, including news, consumers are willing to pay for and what makes someone decide to subscribe.”

Ad-free browsing was the next-highest factor (33%), but 29% said they don’t believe any website content is worth paying for. (Cost was also the most important factor for 39% of consumers in the UK as well, with 37% saying no content was worth paying for.)

Of the 1,232 U.S. adults surveyed, 15% pay between $10-$25 for subscriptions, with 10% paying $26-$50. In terms of the types of website content U.S. adults believe is worth paying for, 41% said entertainment (movies, TV, music, etc.), 31% said education and learning, and 21% said news.




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